17150F-25/17150F-50美國進口KIMBLE玻璃滴定管 帶PTFE塞閥25ml 50ml
Schellbach burets在一個更寬的白色帶上使用一條藍線,它垂直地在規模后面運行,以創造一種光學效應,使半月板呈現出明顯的形狀。這有助于避免視差錯誤。提供耐化學,自潤滑聚四氟乙烯開關插頭和KIM-KAP™防塵罩替換2毫米直孔PTFE截止旋塞是821001 - 0002的17150F系列的替換2mm三路PTFE stopcock插頭是823001 - 0002的17170F系列的17150 f系列滴定管漏斗填充和提供耐化學,自潤滑聚四氟乙烯開關插頭和KIM-KAP™防塵罩17170 f系列滴定管與溢流管自零,reservoir filled,與兩個頂部和底部軟管適配器接受¼“ID靈活的油管易于閱讀耐用的黑色陶瓷瓷釉從ASTM規范E287要求設計由33個膨脹、低硼硅酸鹽玻璃制成,符合USP型和ASTM E438型,I型,*要求
17150F-25/17150F-50美國進口KIMBLE玻璃滴定管 帶PTFE塞閥25ml 50ml
Schellbach burets employ a blue line on a broader white band running vertically behind the scale to create an optical effect which causes the meniscus to assume an apparent form. This assists in avoiding parallax mistakes.
- Supplied with a chemically-resistant, self-lubricating PTFE stopcock plug and a KIM-KAP™ dust cap
- Replacement 2 mm straight bore PTFE stopcock plug is 821001-0002 for 17150F series burets
- Replacement 2 mm three-way PTFE stopcock plug is 823001-0002 for 17170F series burets
- 17150F series burets are funnel fill and are supplied with a chemically-resistant, self-lubricating PTFE stopcock plug and a KIM-KAP™ dust cap
- 17170F series burets have an automatic zero with overflow tube, and are reservoir-filled, with both top and bottom hose adapters accepting ¼” ID flexible tubing
- Easy-to-read durable black ceramic enamel scale
- Designed from ASTM Specification E287 requirements
- Manufactured from 33 expansion, low extractable borosilicate glass conforming to USP Type I and ASTM E438, Type I, Class A requirements
- 17150F-25/17150F-5025ml 50ml
17150F-25/17150F-50美國KIMBLE滴定管 kimble玻璃滴定管帶PTFE塞閥25ml 50ml