美國進口PYREX玻璃組織研磨器7726-L 進口PYREX玻璃研磨勻漿器15ml 40ml
美國進口PYREX玻璃組織研磨器7726-L 進口PYREX玻璃研磨勻漿器15ml 40ml
7726 PYREX Brand, Ten Broeck, Homogenizer
Designed for grinding small samples for pathological and bio-chemical work. It may be used manually.Adaptable for use with a slow speed stirrer by means of a rubber stopper and a rod. Catch basin bulb on the small size is 30 mm O.D. on the large size. Approximate working capacity with the pestle in place is 7 mL for the small size and 40 mL for the large size. Made in accordance with Federal Specification DD-T-363a.
進口PYREX玻璃研磨勻漿器15ml 40ml
7727 PYREX Brand, Ten Broeck, Homogenizer, Pour Spout
These grinders are designed for use in hand grinding small samples for pathological or biochemical studies. It may also be motor driven at low speed if some form of friction release is provided. The mortar tubes and pestles are ground to be interchangeable. Clearance between the two parts is approximay 0.15 mm. The medium grind provides the required abrasive action to deliver well homogenized samples. Made in accordance with Federal Specification NNN-T-360B.
進口PYREX玻璃研磨勻漿器15ml 40ml